Annihilator PolyZone. This product is a suspension concentrate formulation containing 0.42 lb of deltamethrin per gallon. This product is designed for use both indoors and outdoors and will provide effective knockdown and long residual control of the pests listed on this label.
Does Annihilator Happen Before Dmg Full
1143 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberIt happens, but to me it feels it for 99% in a range that feels like where the class is to excel: close range. Thats not to say I havent been sniped from 50 meters with a MP18 even today. I do like the new variants since they mix up the gunplay a bit, especially the new RibEyeRolles; its like an LMG for the assault class.
5075 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, Battlefield VMemberIt happens, but to me it feels it for 99% in a range that feels like where the class is to excel: close range. Thats not to say I havent been sniped from 50 meters with a MP18 even today. I do like the new variants since they mix up the gunplay a bit, especially the new RibEyeRolles; its like an LMG for the assault class.
I didn't like it personally. I wasn't a fan of its visual recoil. -
2065 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberPeople can pretty much snipe with SMGs on PC. I expect its performance is different compared to console.
It's not the recoil so much as the bullet spread and visual clutter. It's nearly impossible to track a target while ADSing because of the smoke from your gun pretty much completely covering the screen. Tie that with the god awful bullet spread and hitting someone even near the end of close range fighting becomes a challenge.
I agree that aiming down sights is pretty much useless, I could only tap fire to get hits. But the thing is, you should not need to. I have some 140 kills with it, maybe 2-3 were the result of ADS fire. On PC you can extend the hipfire range with short bursts easily enough if you do decide to engage. After 25 meters the damage drop off is so steep that unless you know they are seriously injured it makes little sense to put yourself at risk by taking time to try and gradually wear them down.
I dunno. Went full ham on this thing on Argonne getting triples and switching to my Webley for the quad.
The Thompson is fine; you the player need to be aware of its mag size and fire rate. You need to decide if it's best to engage at a distance or try and close the gap. You need to work with it.
Try playing the smaller modes with it for a bit
I like it and have fun with it (plus that reload oof) but Maschinepistole experimental I find to be a better choice for ME
I understand how to manage small mags, as already mentioned I use the RSC and AL8MM almost exclusively. However those weapons come with actually being useful at more then a foot. They come with far more overall usefulness then this hunk of garbage. It's completely outclassed at virtually everything by pretty much every other SMG in the game. It has no use in it's existence.
Unfortunately Battlefield Companion or external stats sites don't have it yet, but I'm pretty sure my KPM with it is among my best weapons. It most certainly is not outclassed by the Automatico, Hellriegel or RSC SMG, and I took out plenty of SMG 08 and shotgun users as well. 4 HK up to 10 meters with 830 RPM is blisteringly fast. And at those ranges it is your own fault is you are missing shots, so the mag size should not be an issue.
Well on PC it works wonders. I used it on Tsaritzyn and Fort de Vaux, and was declared gay with a **** gun, as @bran1986 can testify. You don't have to spray it, it's plenty accurate to about 25 meters. Just slightly squeeze the trigger and people drop.
I got a few instances of three kills per mag, so compared to the Machinenpistole it felt abundant. As for dying while reloading it is a personal fault, that's what sidearms are for.
Personally I prefer it to the SMG 08, which is for sprayers mostly. Then again, I also love the Machinenpistole variants.
Sure that's what sidearms are for, but you eventually have to reload it, and objectively it needs to reload one of the most in the game. You will die while reloading more with this gun then others, that's just an objective fact of the weapon. As for the accuracy, again, yes you could tap fire someone at 25ish meters down, but I could just be using the Automatico and easily full auto someone 30 meters away. There is no use case for this gun is my point. Other weapons are better for CQC due to the ammo capacity that also are useable at more then a foot in front of you. It has no niche because even within it there are other weapons that are by far and away better at practically everything.
I prefer low capacity high performance weapons as well, but I don't have the same constant reloading feeling with the Annihilator that I get with the M1900, Machinenpistole, RSC SMG, AL8 .35 etc. After one kill I mostly felt confident that I can take on another guy or two, and wait for a safe time to reload. I'd understand this reloading issue if we were talking about the RSC SMG.
With the SMG 08 and now the Annihilator, the Automatico just feels slightly impotent, and the Hellriegel is completely outclassed. And compared to the SMG 08, the Annihilator saves ADS time as the hipfire spread quite a lot worse on the former, extending practical hipfire TTK.
If anything, I think this difference in opinion/experience just serves to highlight platform differences. On PC you can't reliably take on more than two guys even with all the ammo in the world (read: the SMG 08) (unless you flank unaware opponents), as people are so aware and fast to get on target. So the capability to drop those two uninterrupted is far more valuable that extra ammo for a third or fourth guy. And in those rare occasions were you have time, a good sidearm will be more than enough to finish up. Again, it's on you if you get caught in the open having to reload your primary; that's just not how to play this weapon. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I sincerely do not have this issue with this particular gun, whilst having it with other weapons. -
2144 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberI can confirm that last part, taking out two opponents that are aware of you on PC happens only rarely (at least one of them must be slightly incompetent). More than two..., only if you are behind them.
I find that when I get shot while reloading, it is almost always my own fault. Mostly it happens when I use a large size, slow reload gun and do that reload even when I did not have to. -
3410 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberI can confirm that last part, taking out two opponents that are aware of you on PC happens only rarely (at least one of them must be slightly incompetent). More than two..., only if you are behind them.
I find that when I get shot while reloading, it is almost always my own fault. Mostly it happens when I use a large size, slow reload gun and do that reload even when I did not have to.
One way to kill opponents with this gun is to lure them to your spot. Peek your head out a bit, and then run the other way. Most people will end up following you, so turn around after running for a few seconds and watch them run into your bullets. I have had a surprising amount of double kills with just one magazine with this weapon.
It's basically a better Automatico Trench, that is also harder to use than a lot of the other SMGs. In terms of TTK, it reportedly kills in one frame more than the Maschinenpistole, so it technically has a faster TTK than the SMG08, and with it's tight hip-fire, it can defeat most other guns in CQB, as long as it is a one-on-one fire fight.
Overall, a nice weapon to use, especially when paired with hit-and-run tactics. If the rest of the 'leaked' weapons are also going to come to the base game, I'll pair the Annihilator with the Single Action Army revolver, as I am currently using the Gasser for ranged damage at the moment - the new revolver will probably be even better at range.
... or, I can use the Annihilator with a 1903 and the broken bottle, and pretend to be a 1920's mobster ... XD -
2144 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberI have not used the gun at all yet. Was just stating generally about PC play and multiple opponents. The Peek trick I usually do now and then when using a shotgun, was great with C4 in BF4 but I have never become friends with the dynamite so that one I have not used this way.
Thanks for the tip though. -
4233 postsMember, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMemberDid some Fort de Vaux rounds with the Annihilator Trench and it was fun to melt hellriegels in close combat, but got killed by everyone more than 15 meters away .. so will not be one of my favorites since that close combat doesn't happen that often ..
7017 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberAnnihilator Trench is another useless gun. Its like a slower firing SMG08 with 1/4 the mag size. I'll stick to the SMG08.
87 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTEMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
7017 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
We just got 3 bolt action rifles for the scout class. Assault don't deserve one? -
6008 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
We just got 3 bolt action rifles for the scout class. Assault don't deserve one?
Assault got new variants for smg, shotgun, carbine, machinepistol and full new gun. Not sure what's the point of your comment. -
2065 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberAnnihilator Trench is another useless gun. Its like a slower firing SMG08 with 1/4 the mag size. I'll stick to the SMG08.
It's 830 RPM vs 770 RPM with a higher damage profile. Let sprayers be spraying. -
2477 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTEMemberSo assault got a bunch of weapons but support nothing new?
7017 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
We just got 3 bolt action rifles for the scout class. Assault don't deserve one?
Assault got new variants for smg, shotgun, carbine, machinepistol and full new gun. Not sure what's the point of your comment.
Oh yeah forgot about those. The point is he seems to be complaining about Annihilator being added to the game because it effectively performs the same as other SMGs already in the game, 'rapid hip firing...'. I'm saying no one is complaining about the addition of 3 new sniper rifles which perform effectively the same thing as other sniper rifles.
It has a 20-round mag and it's nothing special, certainly not worth complaining about its addition to the game. -
6008 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
We just got 3 bolt action rifles for the scout class. Assault don't deserve one?
Assault got new variants for smg, shotgun, carbine, machinepistol and full new gun. Not sure what's the point of your comment.
Oh yeah forgot about those. The point is he seems to be complaining about Annihilator being added to the game because it effectively performs the same as other SMGs already in the game, 'rapid hip firing...'. I'm saying no one is complaining about the addition of 3 new sniper rifles which perform effectively the same thing as other sniper rifles.
It has a 20-round mag and it's nothing special, certainly not worth complaining about its addition to the game.
As I said previously in this thread Annihilator at least requires some skill to control the recoil and spread unlike the other 'hold fire button and get kills' smgs. -
7017 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberWhat this game needs is another rapid hip firing weapon.....dice might aswell do away with ADS altogether and complete this half battlefield, half cod mess that they've created.
We just got 3 bolt action rifles for the scout class. Assault don't deserve one?
Assault got new variants for smg, shotgun, carbine, machinepistol and full new gun. Not sure what's the point of your comment.
Oh yeah forgot about those. The point is he seems to be complaining about Annihilator being added to the game because it effectively performs the same as other SMGs already in the game, 'rapid hip firing...'. I'm saying no one is complaining about the addition of 3 new sniper rifles which perform effectively the same thing as other sniper rifles.
It has a 20-round mag and it's nothing special, certainly not worth complaining about its addition to the game.
As I said previously in this thread Annihilator at least requires some skill to control the recoil and spread unlike the other 'hold fire button and get kills' smgs.
Then we agree. -
12227 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMemberThe Thompson is awesome, and I hate playing Assault.
Of course if the only things you're comparing it to are the best and most blatantly overpowered smgs in the game, it's going to appear useless. But when we step out of dream land and into the actual game, it's still perfectly capable of mowing people down, and I've burst fired people with it from a considerable distance.
That's not to mention that in cqb it has awesome hip fire, and when ads it has great irons.
Every single weapon in the game is going to feel inadequate in cqb when the primary thing you're comparing it to is a 770rpm, 4btk, 239ms ttk smg with an 81 round mag.
There's a reason people say that weapon is ridiculous. Not every smg is going to be the best smg in the game, especially when DICE makes terrible choices like doing what they did to the SMG 08. -
798 postsMember, Battlefield 4, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMemberI main the assault class and tbh I won't say that this weapon is bad, but it was quite underwhelming to me.
After c.150 kills with it, I will say that what it offers doesn't outshine the likes of the SMG-08, automatico or MP18 (depending on the map or situation).
In pub CQ or OPs games, I would have been better off most of the time with one of the above instead of the Annihilator.
The Annihilator is very good only up to 10-15m against one or two enemies. It is very limited by range and it's mag size. For example I find a lot more easier to get 2-3 people per mag and at a decent distance with the Automatico.
I find that this weapon for pub games is too 'specialized' and limited. In these games I believe it is better to use a more flexible weapon.
For example I had a good round on Fort de Vaux with it finishing with c.60 kills. But many times to due to the mag capacity I couldn't flank efficiently or prolong my kill streaks. I would have been better off with the SMG08 (with which I end up usually with 70 or 80+ kills on this map), which has a tiny higher TTK, but offers a lot more flexibility in terms of distance and taking out groups of enemies. -
7017 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield VMemberMay 9, 2018 2:47PMedited May 2018The Thompson is awesome
No it's not.
Of course if the only things you're comparing it to are the best and most blatantly overpowered smgs in the game, it's going to appear useless.
I'm assuming you mean the SMG08. No, its not overpowered. Just put the time needed to gitgud and you'll agree that it's a CQB weapon that fits in the game and is not at all op.
I main the assault class and tbh I won't say that this weapon is bad, but it was quite underwhelming to me.
My thoughts exactly. If it played a round of golf it would finish right on par.
I actually thought the Machinepistole experimental was more fun and had better range. -
12227 postsMember, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, Battlefield VMember
No it's not.
Yes it is.
I'm assuming you mean the SMG08. No, its not overpowered. Just put the time needed to gitgud and you'll agree that it's a CQB weapon that fits in the game and is not at all op.
Lol, yes it is. I barely play the Assault class past doing assignments, playing TDM, or switching to get rid of vehicles - and in my time trying to unlock the Thompson, I used several weapons, both shotguns and smgs, and literally went back to the smg 08 before the end of every round. Hell, on matches of Fort that I played its all I used because everything else was crap in comparison.
Crabman and Ram1c even asked me why I was using it instead of the new variants and I said it's just too good. It shreds in cqb and can be tap fired like a monster at range. I was literally tap firing people over 75m away with it on Verdun Heights and killing them, and saying 'meeehh, you can't tap fire smgs accurately at range' over the mic in a mocking voice every time it happened. I can tag both those guys and they can confirm.
The weapon is easy mode to use at mid range, in cqb I can damn near use it with my eyes closed.