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Best Ranger Pet For Breakbar Dmg Gw2

in Ranger

Jan 23, 2020 Ranger (sometimes called Huntsman by players of other MMOs) has one of the consistently highest damage rates in GW2. Ranger also has the best ranged attacks, which can combine with pet skills to provide a wide range of effects. New Player Note: Along with Guardian, we highly recommend Ranger for new players. Ranger is easy to use, has powerful attacks, and the pet is very useful. Technically pet choice is situational and may be dependent on what your needs require. I would say that generally for PVE, if traited a certain way, cat ( IMHO Lynx more specifically ) will always be the most desireable choice because of their high damage output. 20 points in Skirmishing for: I Pet's Prowess - Pets do 30% more damage on.

What pets would you recommend as essential for a versatile ranger to charm, one who wants to spend as little time looking for pets in all the right places?

Best Ranger Pet For Breakbar Dmg Gw2 Game

  • For both condi & power builds.
  • For fractals & raids (let's assume that covers open world PvE)
  • Formerly 'good' pets probably make sense, too, since we know the balance pendulum keeps swinging.

I just started a new ranger and realized that I haven't spent any time playing it because I don't want to spend much time taming pets. (Been there, done that on another ranger already. If you'll pardon the pun, the adventure of seeking them all out has lost its. charm.) Naturally, I can look up all the builds on MetaBattle, SC, DT, and so on. I thought maybe the experts & experienced rangers here might have personal preferences or their own short-list of favorites.

I don't mind if they are easy or challenging to reach. The goal is to keep the number of pets to the minimum without sacrificing adaptability.

Thanks in advance.

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Best Ranger Pet For Breakbar Dmg Gw2 Pc

Hype is the path to the dark side. Hype leads to unfulfilled expectations. Disappointment leads to anger. Anger leads to disgust. Disgust leads to 'oh, new shinies! I'm back!'


  • edited November 12, 2018

    Check https://discretize.eu for ranger fractal builds.

    Check https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/ranger/soulbeast/power/ for Raid builds

    and https://metabattle.com for everything else.

    All 3 list best pets.

    Your best thing is just to look up the builds and make yourself a short list. Game boy advance. you'll need to check the wiki on where to find them anyway.

    Most of them use Rock Gazelle, Moa, Electric Wyvern and then a few others thrown in.

  • edited November 13, 2018

    I would add smokescale to the above for casual solo/wvw. Eso rubedite sword of weapon dmg. Iboga, bristleback, lynx and warthog for condi. Owl is more of a wvw/solo sustain and speed choice. Personally not a fan of jacaranda but it seems like a popular pick. Maybe fern hound if you want to power or condi druid: it's weird in that its regen acts as if you applied it and charged ca.

  • Land pets are pretty well covered, though I do like my canines and often run a Wolf or a Drakehound (Rurikton, DR) because I like the front-loaded CC on swap when I'm doing lazy solo PvE.

    For underwater, I like the Armor Fish (by the Breachmaker in LA) for a solid CC hit. I'm not too wild about any of the other underwater options, and usually take a River Drake for power or a Lashtail Devourer for condi. I won't take a Shark, because I hate having to figure out where underwater enemies are after they've been feared.

  • edited November 13, 2018

    @DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:
    Owl is more of a wvw/solo sustain and speed choice.

    Owl is one of the most used Soulbeast Pets in PvP and usually paired with either a pig/siamoth or smokescale.
    The speed is nice, but the leaps on the way to nodes or to get out of a bad situation is amazing and the heal is clutch.

    mhm, ok, sure, whatever you say, no after you, I insist, no really, please, be my guest,

  • @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    @DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:
    Owl is more of a wvw/solo sustain and speed choice.

    Owl is one of the most used Soulbeast Pets in PvP and usually paired with either a pig/siamoth or smokescale.
    The speed is nice, but the leaps on the way to nodes or to get out of a bad situation is amazing and the heal is clutch.

    Oh for sure. I tried giving pve/wvw advice because PvP doesn't require taming?

  • @DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:

    @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

    @DuckDuckBOOM.4097 said:
    Owl is more of a wvw/solo sustain and speed choice.

    Owl is one of the most used Soulbeast Pets in PvP and usually paired with either a pig/siamoth or smokescale.
    The speed is nice, but the leaps on the way to nodes or to get out of a bad situation is amazing and the heal is clutch.

    Oh for sure. I tried giving pve/wvw advice because PvP doesn't require taming?

    Oh yeah. haha, my bad. I saw the 'favorite pets' and probably ignored the rest.

    mhm, ok, sure, whatever you say, no after you, I insist, no really, please, be my guest,

  • @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:
    What pets would you recommend as essential for a versatile ranger to charm, one who wants to spend as little time looking for pets in all the right places?

    • For both condi & power builds.
    • For fractals & raids (let's assume that covers open world PvE)
    • Formerly 'good' pets probably make sense, too, since we know the balance pendulum keeps swinging.

    OK.this is from personal play.not based off any meta or anything.though it sounds like I may be doing things very similar to some of the metas.

    On my power SB.you can't go wrong with the Smokescale for its knockdown and Smokescreen, plus the merge skills are on point for some quick 'drive-by' melee damage. I also like the Rock Gazelle and Jaguar.I also use the different pigs when I am out to just aggravate people.:)

    On my weird, off-the-wall, Condi Ranger, I use an Ice Drake and the Alpine Wolf, and sometimes the Polar Bear. I based him as a Chill monster.and its fun, but sometimes its overkill and I keep chill maxed, at the sacrifice of some damage, but that's a whole other discussion.

    For a ranged condi-style.I have used Devourers and Spiders to some good effect.but that would be your call based on your playstyle and if you want general condi, or something specific.

    Brown Bear is a good support pet if you need some cleanse in a party for like a Fractal.does his job and still deals good damage. Bristleback is a good range partner.

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    I'm a firm believer to use the pet that compliments what you are trying to do.not just because it may be the 'meta'. Unless that's what you are wanting to do. But it doesn't sound like it. Most of these are easy to get, the most difficult, IMO, is the Smokescale only because he is gated behind an event. Daemon tool ultra free download.

    Always willing to help others if I am able. Catch me in-game. I'm a dirty-casual with 2 kids in college, so I am on at odd times. lol

  • edited November 15, 2018

    Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Here's the list I've come up with based on the comments and re-reviewing the main build websites. Anything that you'd cross off? Anything essential missing in your opinion?

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    Black Moa (requires 15 points in the GW1 HoM)
    Bristleback (requires HoT)
    Brown Bear
    Electric Wyvern (requires HoT)
    Fern Hound
    Iboga (requires PoF)
    Jacaranda (requires PoF)
    Pink Moa
    Rock Gazelle (requires PoF)
    Smokescale (requires HoT)


    Lashtail Devourer
    River Drake

    I hadn't noticed until attempting to put the list together that Snowcrows doesn't actually list pets for half their builds. They assume a raider will know which pets to take (which is reasonable considering their target audience). DT does and MB sort of does (although you have to recognize the icons and they don't always make it easy to find recommended alternatives). On the whole, I can imagine it's a lot harder for a player new to the game than for a veteran new to ranger gameplay.

    updated: per @Bright Oblivion.2856's suggestion, included requirements for the pets

    Hype is the path to the dark side. Hype leads to unfulfilled expectations. Disappointment leads to anger. Anger leads to disgust. Disgust leads to 'oh, new shinies! I'm back!'

  • @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:
    Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Here's the list I've come up with based on the comments and re-reviewing the main build websites. Anything that you'd cross off? Anything essential missing in your opinion?


    Black Moa
    Brown Bear
    Electric Wyvern
    Fern Hound
    Pink Moa
    Rock Gazelle


    Lashtail Devourer
    River Drake

    I hadn't noticed until attempting to put the list together that Snowcrows doesn't actually list pets for half their builds. They assume a raider will know which pets to take (which is reasonable considering their target audience). DT does and MB sort of does (although you have to recognize the icons and they don't always make it easy to find recommended alternatives). On the whole, I can imagine it's a lot harder for a player new to the game than for a veteran new to ranger gameplay.

    As someone with 6 Rangers, I suggest charming them all. I know it's not exciting, but it's better to have them all available than not.


  • @Swagger.1459 said:
    As someone with 6 Rangers, I suggest charming them all. I know it's not exciting, but it's better to have them all available than not.

    Ableton live 9 suite 9.0.1 patch for mac os x. I agree it's better than only charming some. You're right to recommend reconsidering that.

    But. I can't summon the enthusiasm for that; been there, done that. So I'm aiming for a more manageable, smaller list. Later, once I've got a useful build, I'll do some exploring and update the menagerie.

    Hype is the path to the dark side. Hype leads to unfulfilled expectations. Disappointment leads to anger. Anger leads to disgust. Disgust leads to 'oh, new shinies! I'm back!'

  • Shortest possible PvE only pet list:
    Rock Gazelle
    Electric Wyvern


    Warthog(also CC)

  • For my second ranger, I went with

    • Smokescale
    • Jacaranda
    • Tiger
    • Electric Wyvern
    • Iboga
    • Rock Gazelle

    My aquatic pet list is the same except for River Drake; took a shark instead.

    I feel pretty well-equipped for any pve situation on that toon with this list - be it condi, power, or heals. I think I tamed a drake or two literally because they were standing in my path, but I didn't go out of my way to look for anything outside this list

  • One thing I'll point out (in case a new player looks at this list) is that the black moa is only available if you've got 15 HoM points. So if you've never played GW1 or are on an account that's not linked, you won't have it available.

    Not a problem for you, I expect, but maybe others trying to use it as a reference of what pets to get (like I was).

  • @Bright Oblivion.2856 said:
    One thing I'll point out (in case a new player looks at this list) is that the black moa is only available if you've got 15 HoM points. So if you've never played GW1 or are on an account that's not linked, you won't have it available.

    Not a problem for you, I expect, but maybe others trying to use it as a reference of what pets to get (like I was).

    Good point.

    Hype is the path to the dark side. Hype leads to unfulfilled expectations. Disappointment leads to anger. Anger leads to disgust. Disgust leads to 'oh, new shinies! I'm back!'

  • I've never understood why Salamander Drake wasn't a more favored pet.
    F1 is a cleaving 1k per-hit self-heal attack on a 10s timer, F2 is a blast finisher
    I pretty much stay merged all the time on my condi sb, blast my own fire fields, and the heal attack + heal on poison + numerous sources of poison, I am quite bunkery even when built more for dmg.

  • Definitely get all pets, it takes a bit of time but imo it is worth it. Pets I run are:

    Druid (Whenever I have teammates around - Fractals, Raids, Open World events, I use all variants from heal to power/condi)

    • Iboga (The best pet, no doubt! Best dps, cc, AoE; the pull is amazing to pull adds into the group in fractals and raids, esp when a chrono misses one)
    • Electric Wyvern (best cc, quite reliable at hitting the target)
    • Gazelle (good cc, less reliable but adds a bit of Vulnerability and more hard cc than Iboga, I use it on Samarog + Sloth)
    • Tiger (Fury, good dps, I use it when no Chrono is around)
    • Brown Bear (standard pet on Dhuum)
    • Smokescale (to blast stealth for my party in fractals or raids)
    • Jacaranda (good AoE dps, adds vuln to a target, has a great entangle to immobilize mobs in raids, e.g. on Deimos)
    • Underwater: Tiger (Fury)

    Condi Soulbeast (Open World, Raids)

    • Lynx (best dps)
    • Iboga (good dps, a bit more cleave and in my eyes nice for open world)
    • Warthog (good dps and cc, e.g. for Matthias)
    • Underwater: Juvenile Murellow

    Power Soulbeast

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    • Gazelle (best dps, cc, mobility)
    • Smokescale (more for solo play or if you lack might)
    • Underwater: Tiger (not sure if it is the best)

    Generally, I believe that one way of spotting a good druid in fractals and to a lesser extent raids is whether they swap pets to adapt to the situation and the group. Although given how good Iboga is (it is bonkers on Largos or Desmina), swapping too much doesn't help either. Regarding the Fern Hound - i believe that it's pretty trash because it offers no utility other than regen and you can cap regen for your group with either Healing Spring (amazing condi cleanse) or Water Spirit (good for single druid in raids) and/or Warhorn. The only boss where you could justify Fern Hound is one that requires no cc or utility and even then imo you better deal dps with your pet.

  • @Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209 said:
    I'm a firm believer to use the pet that compliments what you are trying to do.


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  • Power Soulbeast Pet:
    1. Smokescale
    2. Gazelle
    3. Owl
    4. Siamoth

    Condi Soulbeast:
    1. Lynx

    1. Smokescale
    2. Jacaranda
    3. Electric wyvern

    Support Druido:
    1. Tiger (crit)
    2. stalker (might)
    3. Moa Pink (daze)

    Condi Druido:
    4. Iboga
    5. Bristleback

    These are the ones I use the most.

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  • Are you talking about core ranger or soulbeast or druid?


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